
-networking tips-
Proactive Development Coaching
Nervous: As you enter the room, it may be a daunting experience to see so many strangers, remember everyone will be feeling the same inside.
Arrival: Get there early when the group is small and manageable.
Preparation: Ensure you have your business cards, notebook and pen (also be polite - switch your mobile off, or running on silent mode).
Mission: Have a list of your mission objectives - to meet certain people? To find prospects? To find a resource you need? Nurture an existing business relationship?
Introductions: Ask the host of the meeting to introduce you to people that you want to meet.
Smile: Outwardly show confidence, assume everyone is a potential friend and be the one to go up to people, shake them by the hand and introduce yourself – YOU make the first move, that will put you in a position of superiority.
Mingle: Do not just stick with your friends or colleagues - Move around meet others.
Refreshments: If it is a buffet, try and eat before the event so you are not juggling plates and balancing food. If alcohol is present, be modest and ensure you remain focussed.
Pitch: Create and practice an Elevator Pitch - a description of yourself and your work that can be said in 30 seconds or less. Be able to describe your job in one or two sentences.
Eyes: As you walk around, make eye contact with everybody. When you get return eye contact, smile, shake their hand and introduce yourself.
Names: Repeat people's names, this helps you remember that person's name and shows your interest in that person.
Labels: Wear a name tag that is easy to read. Wear it on your right shoulder so that people can easily see it when you shake hands.
Introduce: Include people standing by themselves, even introduce them to each other.
Listen: Remember that there is nothing more flattering than someone who listens to what is being said, also ask them about themselves.
Notes: Make notes on the backs of people’s business cards, or in your notebook. Use this back at the office in your contact system.
Follow-Up: Contact your new connection within 24hrs and arrange a follow up over coffee or lunch
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Life Coach Melbourne - www.prodevcoach.com.au - Business Coach Melbourne
