
Proactive Development Coaching
Newsletter Costs
Proactive Development Coaching
services include:
Coaching from Proactive Development will provide you with
the skills to:
To create deep rapport.
Read and use Body Language.
Refine your ability to achieve your personal and professional outcomes.
Align your past experiences with your desired goals.
Investigate and develop your personal value system.
Increase self knowledge and self esteem.
Develop a sense of place & purpose within the workpace.
Understand the strategies others utilise.
Increase your own personal resources and access them at will.
Manage change in your organisation with skill and confidence.
Ability to take control and prepare for the future
Focus on what you want, not what you think you should
Improved decision making
Why you might decide to use a Coach from Proactive:
- Feeling dissatisfied
with your work or life. Stuck in a rut, but not sure why
or what to do about it.
Wanting a better balance between work and private life
Better relationships e.g. be a better colleague, employer, parent, partner, child, friend
Want to re-plan your life in view of career change, redundancy, retirement or separation
Trying to control too many priorities.
Unable to see clearly the path you wanted to take, feeling
Finding space in your busy life for relaxing and feeling at ease
Clear focus on what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it.
Acting as a coach, encourager and prompt as you embark on your new project (a diet, writing a book, starting a course, starting a business).
A better understanding of the values and beliefs you hold and how these are reflected in your life as it is now, and as you want it to be.
Recognise the need for setting goals which fit with your values, which stretch you and are attractive to you.
Exploring a world of options which you haven’t considered before.
Developing a positive mental attitude, which will guide you towards exciting, future possibilities.
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners, Proactive Development
can assist with:
- Defining your Business Plan
- Creating a renewed vision for your
- Supporting you in achieving your goals
- Adding healthy scepticsm and reality to
your goals
- Getting you to think outside the box
- Identifying and Creating Process
Intelligence within your organisation
- Challenging your assumptions
- Use of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Rekindling that fire of enthusiasm which
may have left
- Providing motivation and goal orientated
- Encouraging you to find the right
- Providing access to the right help for
your situation
- Teaching you skills and techniques for
sustained personal managerial growth (founded in NLP)
- Ensuring you have a good work/life balance
Subscribe to the
Proactive Newsletter:
Please note
that Proactive Development Coaching has a strict non-disclosure
policy, your email address will NOT be given to any other parties
and we will not send any unsolicited emails. You may cancel the
subscription at any time. Newsletters will usually be restricted to
one per month.
Proactive Development Coaching Session Pricing
To be of benefit coaching is provided in 3 month
You may mix One-to-One Coaching with
Telephone Coaching.
You can choose either 2 or 3 sessions per month.
Each Session typically lasts 50 minutes.
All options come with 2 follow-up emails per
*Example Price List (01/07/2004):
Price in
Total Sessions 2 Sessions per month x 3
6 3 Sessions per month x 3
$90 9
Price in
Total Sessions 2 Sessions per month x 3
6 3 Sessions per month x 3
months $60
Price in
Total Sessions 2 Sessions per month x 3
6 3 Sessions per month x 3
months $50
*Please ask for our brochure for full details, as
the above information is indictive only.
Life Coach Melbourne - www.prodevcoach.com.au - Business Coach Melbourne