Proactive Development Coaching
Communication is an essential skill that all humans require in
order to be part of their social sphere, and to develop and lead
fulfilled lives.
Communication is a vast and rich subject which touches everyone
around us.
Only a small percentage of what we "say"
makes up the message we are sending out.
- How you dress
- How you stand
- Your eye movement
- Your jestures
- The tone of your voice
- The speed of talking
- The topics you talk about
- The emotional bond you create with
other person during the
- all of these make up how other people
respond to our communication.
At Proactive Development
Coaching you will have the opportunity to learn about these
elements of communication, and how to be more effective in your
own style of communicating, through the Modules we offer.
As you discover your personal Value
System and develop your
Life Plan you will begin to explore how you communicate to the
outside world, and how you are percieved by other people.
Proactive Development Coaching will
change the way you think about
life, how you approach life and the way you
experience life
as you interact with others.
Email: enquiries@prodevcoach.com.au
Life Coach Melbourne - www.prodevcoach.com.au - Business Coach Melbourne