The community Web Site brought to you by Dominator Web Design
Where are they now ?
Remember we have an area just for schools click here
Try looking up a surname in the telephone directory
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Have you lost contact with friends or relatives that may be in the Chesterfield area. Why not leave a message and contact details on this page. Our web site visitors may know them, or give you a lead as to where they have moved to.
Just fill in the feedback form with your details and we will add them to this page.
Why have such a page, well, the following email was recieved from one of our visitors:
I soldiered with a young man by the name of Ian, his home was near
the top of Foljambe Road. We served together in England and after being
split up we met up again in the far east for a time when we were parted
again. We did not see each other again until we were back in civvy street
but eventually our jobs caused us to part again and we just lost touch over
the years. We spent something like 40 years trying to find each other again
and due to the greatest piece of luck, a friend of mine got us back in
touch,(that in itself is a long story) I was back in England in 1997 and we
saw each other again for the first time since just after the war finished.
Needless to say we were very happy and Ian and his wife agreed to come and
have a holiday with us in 1998 but alas, Ian suffered a massive stroke and
died. His widow did come for that holiday in 1999.
Who knows ? If we could have had something like the page in question we
might have been in touch with each other much sooner.
Many thanks to D.R.
Click here for the
Where are they now lists
Just fill in the feedback form with your details and we will add them to this page.
Remember we have an area just for schools click here
Try looking up a surname in the telephone directory
click here
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