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Violet Markham School, form 5S, 1974
From left to right, starting at the back row, the names are:
Jane Sharman, Janet Severn, Irene Wrigglesworth, Káren Setchell, Gayle
Rimmington, Jackie Woodward, Elizabeth (?), June Senior, Linda Thomson.
Christine Staton, Elaine (?), Jennifer Robinson, Karen Sands, Rosemary
Shaw, Linda Revel, Carol Sissons, Susan Mary Robinson, Helen
West-Burnham, Elizabeth Worrall.
Theresa Walsh, Kath Gonnella, Julie (?), Karen Wilbourne, Mr. Smith,
Elaine Thurgood, Susan Marie Robinson, Beverley Scothern, Gillian? (?)
Alison Tindall, Vanessa Wilkinson, Jill Sunners, Vanessa Young.
Missing from the photo are: Elaine Woodward and Susan Winnard.
Apologies to anyone whose name I have spelt wrongly or forgotten. It was
27 years ago!
Contrary to how it looks in the photo, Mr. Smith did, in fact, have
legs! Karen Wilbourne, who is not in uniform, had been in a hockey match
and had just got back in time for the photo, if I remember correctly. At
this time the three forms were split alphabetically, 'V' form had
surnames beginning A-H, 'M' was I-R and 'S' was S-Z. The more observant
will be wondering why Kath Gonnella was in our form; she moved into the
area and joined the school in 4th or 5th year, I expect that 5S was the
smallest form at that point.
Can anyone fill in the names I have forgotten? It would be great to hear
from anyone from 'S' form or that year. What are you doing now? Come on
and post a message on the board!

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