The community Web Site brought to you by Dominator Web Design
The following is a guide only to the charges made to business users for services on www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk
We realise every business is unique and has it's own requirements which is why we would visit you personally to discuss your exact needs.
Your Organisation Listed
To have your organisation listed in the search pages just send us the deatails: name, address, organisation name, contact details, services you provide etc and we will add you to the most relevant part of the site (FOR FREE).
This is a bit like having an entry in a telephone directory.
Fill in the Feedback Form (click here).
If you are a non-profit making organisation and are used to saving files and sending emails with attachments you could use the web page designer right now (this provides a very basic web page design):
Create a Web page for your organisation OnLine now (for FREE!!)
Your Web Page
If you are a business, your basic details can be listed for free (as above).
To have a web page (equivalent of two A4 pages) designed specifically for you will incur a charge (from £35-00 to £50-00 which includes one years free listing on www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk).
You also get a unique address on the Chesterfield Area Web Site ( eg www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk/(your-organisation) ).
Included in the price for the web page will be the addition of two photographs taken by digital camera, or two photographs you supply which will be scanned.
You could see this as a full colour 2 page advertisement in a magazine or newspaper.
Fill in the Feedback Form (click here).
If you already have a web site but want a basic web page which links to it from www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk then an annual charge of £35-00 would be required.
Fill in the Feedback Form (click here).
Company Logo
Your organisation will have a picture or graphic or logo which represents it (see Javas logo below).
When a visitor clicks on this picture, it takes them directly to your web page held on www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk (this may have a link taking them to your own web site). If you click on the Javas logo below you will be directed to Javas web page on www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk You are now presented with their organisation information and a link to their own web site (press the BACK button to return to this page).

An annual charge of £35-00 would be required for a company logo on a web page and link to another site.
To have your company logo converted into a suitable format for a web page will cost £10-00. There are restrictions on image size and file format.
Fill in the Feedback Form (click here).
Banner Rotation
The CONTENTS page of www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk is the most frequently visited page on the site. You could have your organisation logo added and rotated with a number of other organisations. Each time the CONTENTS page is visited (or refreshed) a different company's logo will randomly appear. The logos below show this. If you click the refresh button on the tool above at the top of this window (or leave and come back to this page) you will see the logos have changed (the example only contains 2 banners so you may have to refresh a couple of times).
To have your logo added to the banner rotation will cost £35-00 per year.
Fill in the Feedback Form (click here)
Feedback Forms
To have a Feedback Form created so that you can ask visitors to your web page on www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk for their comments, ideas or requests would cost £30-00 per year.
Their responses will be emailed directly to you.
If you do not have access to email then the responses could be faxed to you at an extra charge.
Fill in the ChesterfieldWeb Feedback Form (click here)
Web Page Maintenance
If you are continually updating your www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk web pages with new items, price lists or offers then you might want to take out Web Page Maintenance (priced on amount of changes expected and amount of web page information).
Fill in the ChesterfieldWeb Feedback Form (click here)
I need extra information
Use the Feedback Form (click here) to contact us today with any questions you might have.
Put your business, services, products, price lists, menus and special offers on this web site NOW !
This web site is accessible by your customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Compare advertising on this web site against the cost of a newspaper or magazine advertisement for 365 days.
Why add my site to www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk
We will promote www.chesterfieldweb.co.uk on the internet through the main search engines to ensure that visitors who want to know about Chesterfield UK can find us.
However, the site is about allowing local residents to the Chesterfield Area to have access, via the internet, to what is available in the area. A single point of contact for clubs, societies, businesses, services, events and organisations.
Make sure you are part of it.
Fill in the ChesterfieldWeb Feedback Form (click here)
Terms & Conditions
Chesterfield WebCopyright © Dominator Web Design1999